Tuesday 13 November 2018

Why Jesus? – Part 2

Greg Koukl

I have always thought the idea of Jesus being some kind of savior made sense. The world has known many saviors of sorts, and regardless of one’s theology, Jesus would certainly be counted among them. However, the idea that Jesus was God has always seemed a bit odd. Since the Father is also God, and He is in Heaven and Jesus was on Earth, then they cannot be exactly the same.

As a Christian, though, I have never thought this odd thing to be a real difficulty—at least not scripturally, which is where issues like this must ultimately be settled by believers—because the notion that Jesus is a true man who is different from the Father, yet also fully God just like the Father, makes the most sense of all the biblical data.

Jesus Christ—Eternity’s King and Humanity’s Saviour

The Doctrine of God the Son  John’s Gospel compellingly presents Jesus and His redemptive mission on earth. From the opening words of this a...