Saturday 20 October 2012

To A Transexual Friend Who Professes To Be A Christian

(I wanted to say this to my childhood friend who got a sex change, but I broke contact with him since he never replied to my message and went along with the procedure.)

You're living a fantasy.
First you must accept who you are. If you say that you were supposed to be a woman then you are saying that God made a mistake, but God doesn't make mistakes. God made you a man.

He accepts you as you are. That means that no matter how big the sin, He will forgive. No sin is too big for Him to cover. Go to him with a contrite spirit and turn away from listening to your emotions. Scripture says, “The heart is deceitful. Who can understand it?” God understands it because He made it. And now He has let you turn to your wickedness because you have abandoned His word and chosen to ignore it for your happiness. Joy is God's gift to us. We cannot obtain it on our own efforts. When you do that, it's superficial.

God intends us to be happy, but that isn't the message of the gospel. It's not about harmony among mankind regardless of faith or creed. And it's not about "self-discovery" either. Our world confuses what is made so clear in the Bible. The scripture says that God confused the people and put a veil over their eyes because of their pride. The world does not give us truth about who we are and we cannot find it in ourselves. We can only find truth in the Bible. The Word of God is like a two-edged sword. Like our Lord said, “I came to divide and turn brother against father, daughter against mother, and household against household.” Furthermore, He said, “You must hate your own life in order to save it.”....he said to his disciples before his arrest, “Deny yourself, pick up your cross and follow me.” That means you must deny who you are and live by principle, strong and courageous and do not be dismayed but follow the Lord's commandments as you are brutally beaten(spiritually) by your bodily desires.
Second, you don't own your body. Our Lord bought it with a price and He has legal rights to you. He designed you and created your body for certain purposes. We are called to be self-controlled and not to follow the desires of our fallen flesh. You are the enemy of your soul. Deny yourself and follow Christ! In his parable about the ox and plow he made this clarification, “Anyone who turns back is not fit for the kingdom.”
If we look at how Jesus spoke to Martha concerning Mary sitting quietly and listening to him while she was busy preparing a meal for him in her kitchen he said that Mary chose what was better. We must choose what is God pleasing and which seems beneficial to us spiritually.

What does life at its best look like to you? You and I may have ideas of what that would mean for us, but there is only One who truly knows the worthiest course of action for our lives. He understands how to lead us to an existence that is truly fulfilling, but must sometimes work against our agendas to do so. Since our Father desires to be involved in every aspect of our life, He gives clear direction so that we can understand what His will is for every circumstance we encounter.

I know that you would agree with most of the things I have shared regarding faith in Jesus but I haven't addressed how you think that you are a woman because I would like to hear from your perspective on how that is and why that is then reply with my own thoughts. My main focus here is that you go to the Bible and not lean on your perception of reality because I think it doesn't align with the way God intended. It has been said time and time again throughout the Bible that this is unacceptable. I am pleading with you, brother, my words come from the pit of my heart. My deepest concern is the teachings from your church. See if they align with what scripture says. And ask God to show you in His word.

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