Tuesday, 30 May 2017

Believers' Baptism

In his book, David Horton describes believers' baptism as "The practice in which the rite is reserved for those who profess faith in Jesus Christ. Implied is that the recipient either an adult or has reached the 'age of accountability.' " Sometimes referred to as "age of reason"; the point at which a child is believed (by some Christians) to be responsible for knowing right from wrong, or capable of understanding and appropriating God's gift of salvation. Some hold this age to be seven, some thirteen (after Jewish custom), while others believe it differs for each child.
Lutherans hold the view that baptism communicates grace. It produces forgiveness of sin; necessary for salvation. Infant baptism is necessary; God works faith in them. For Calvanists baptism is only for believers; it's a sign of faith, but children are baptized to show they are in covenant. Anabaptist believe it is only for believers; infant baptism is rejected.
According to the Paul Enns, reformed believers taught that the sacraments are to be administered only to believers as signs of their faith. God does, however, communicate His grace through sacraments.

Happy Baptism Day to My Wife

Wednesday, 24 May 2017

Ambassadors of Christ

Dear Michael,

Paul says you and I are “ambassadors for Christ” (2 Corinthians 5:20). But what does that mean? Well, an ambassador is someone who represents the desires of his king in a foreign land. 

The Hebrew Roots Movement

(It is difficult to document the movement’s history because of its lack of organizational structure, but the modern HRM has been influenced ...