Did God choose the elect because of His mercy? Or did He choose the elect to display His sovereignty?
Supralapsarianism is the belief that God chose the elect before He decided to create the universe, man and the fall.
Infralapsarianism is the belief that God chose the elect after the creation of the universe, man and the fall.
Supralapsarianism (Before the fall)
Infralapsarianism (After the fall)
The Supralapsarian position might have God’s sovereignty uppermost in one's mind.
The Infralapsarian position might have God’s mercy uppermost in one's mind.
Christalogical-supralapsarianism would be a position that the last thing that will happen in Heaven, the consummation of the union of all believers to Christ was what He had intended in mind at the very beginning. The end of all God’s decrees. Simply the glory of Jesus Christ.