What I see is a child who enjoys rebuking his parents, though in reality he has not been a good son.
Obviously there is something wrong with society that people feel the need to stop the freedom of movement for others in order to make a statement about their personal convictions. There’s a problem with this society that is very obvious. We are quick to band together to point out the sins of the government but not our own. The sin of not loving our neighbours and instead loving ourselves and in some cases our families over our neighbours who are also made in God’s image.
Some even jump on the bandwagon of conspiracies. It becomes almost attractive to believe in any conspiracy, an invisible sphere of evil that is conspiring to take away their freedoms. A readiness to suspect evil.
Nothing is so earnestly to be wished by certain powers than a growing desire for a Christian ‘front’, a real assault by Christianity on the politics of the world. Seeing the world fall around them and the aggressive liberal assault on the church, family and society as a whole. We must be aware of this as Christians to rightly divide the truth from conspiracy.
Deeply convinced and anxious to preserve the claims of God from any infringement by those of Caesar, they only see democracy and man-made constitutions as their only hope of Christian freedom.