Tuesday, 27 February 2024

The Three-in-One God

The Doctrine of the Trinity

In some ways, trying to explain the Trinity is like describing the beauty of a rainbow to someone who is colorblind. We can state the facts, but the full spectrum of color remains beyond our ability to grasp. All illustrations fall short in capturing the innermost nature of God’s very being in human terms. Our glorious triune God is infinite; the most brilliant human mind is finite. The Old Testament presented shadows of this doctrine1 that become clearer in the New Testament. The incarnation of the Son2 and the coming of the Holy Spirit3 reveal the triune God—three-in-one. 

The best approach to the mysterious truth about unity and distinct persons within the Godhead is to simply accept what the Bible teaches. Scripture clearly reveals there is one God who exists in three persons who are equally God. The passage we are studying this week offers a glimpse of the harmony and unity of purpose that God has ordained within Himself. John 15:26 explains that Jesus asked the Father to send the Spirit, who reveals the Son and glorifies God. John 16:12-15 tells us that the “Spirit of truth” speaks only what He hears from the Father as He reveals what belongs to the Son. This intricate, cooperative unity confounds and amazes us. 

Our ability to explain the fullness of God’s revelation does not determine the validity of that truth. Much of what God reveals cannot be fully contained in human language or thoughts. To dismiss the doctrine of the Trinity due to its mysterious complexity represents a grave loss. If God’s person, work, and ways can be confined by our limited minds, He is no different than we are. The fullness of God’s person represents the totality of His work and the immeasurable glory due Him. God is to be humbly worshiped more than fully explained. 

How can we experience the blessing of a God who exceeds us in every way? We look to the Father and praise His power, majesty, and eternal plan for humanity. We praise the Son for His sacrificial death and victory over sin on our behalf. We seek the internal witness of the Holy Spirit to reveal truth we would otherwise miss or dismiss and rely on His power to witness and live for Christ. The three persons of the Trinity work together on our behalf and to the eternal glory of God. Praise be to God—three yet one!

1. Old Testament shadows: Genesis 1:2, 26-27; 16:9-13; 22:15-18; Exodus 3:2-6; Deuteronomy 6:4; Judges 13:17-23; Isaiah 6:8; Zechariah 3
2. Incarnation of the Son: Matthew 1:18-20; 3:16-17; 17:5; Luke 1:35
3. Holy Spirit’s coming: Acts 2:1-13

Resource: Bible Study Fellowship, People of Promise: Kingdom Divided, Lesson 21, The Gospel of John

Tuesday, 20 February 2024

Christ’s Intimate Union with His People

The Doctrine of the Church

The Church is God’s family—true believers who have received salvation in Christ and are united in Him. As Jesus poured His love and wisdom into His disciples, He was building the foundation of His Church.1 Upon that foundation, the Church stands as the body of God’s redeemed people. Jesus Christ is her head and cornerstone.2 Jesus loves and died for His Church. He considers her His bride.3 

The universal Church consists of the totality of believers across the ages and around the world known by God and called His own. People do not become a part of the true Church by following a code of behavior or joining an organization. Faith in Christ knits God’s people together and binds them to Christ in a life-giving union. Christians take part in local churches where they unite for worship, fellowship, and service. 

The power and purpose of the Church cannot be understood or experienced apart from faith in Christ. Apart from Christ, we miss out on the beautiful fellowship God has intended for His united people. Without seeking eternally significant pursuits, our lives pass quickly by, devoid of enduring accomplishments. 

Believers connect with others who share the same Savior, Holy Spirit, and eternal destiny. Their organic unity with Christ and one another unites them as they walk through this world, give God glory, and prepare for eternity. Jesus did not save people and leave them to walk alone. The Holy Spirit indwells God’s people, and the community of the Church unites them with eternal values in view. 

1. Apostolic foundation: Matthew 16:18; Ephesians 2:20 
2. Head of the Church: Ephesians 5:23 
3. Bride of Christ: Ephesians 5:25-32

Resource: Bible Study Fellowship, People of Promise: Kingdom Divided, Lesson 20, The Gospel of John

Tuesday, 13 February 2024

The Spirit of God at Work in the People of God

The Doctrine of the Holy Spirit

Jesus prepared His disciples for His departure as He approached the cross. Though they enjoyed His physical presence as firsthand witnesses of His authority and power, Jesus explained that something amazing awaited them. Eternally joined in purpose and power, the Son would ask the Father to send the Spirit to fill and empower His followers. Jesus’s very person would not just stand beside them but live within them. Every believer receives the Holy Spirit when they receive Christ as Savior.1 

In fact, it is the regenerating work of the Holy Spirit that makes belief possible. Wherever Jesus is exalted and people come to saving faith, the Holy Spirit is active—awakening dead hearts to come to Christ in faith.2 The indwelling Holy Spirit empowers believers to not only want to obey God but be able to do so.3 The Holy Spirit propels God’s work within believers and furthers God’s plan and purposes over all the earth. 

Without recognizing the Holy Spirit’s presence, help, and work, we miss much of God’s involvement in our lives. Unless the Holy Spirit intervenes and illuminates God’s truth, we cannot comprehend God’s Word or His ways. Until God’s Spirit awakens our hearts and minds to recognize God and His work, we futilely try to interpret the past, present, and future with a warped and limited view of reality. We need the Spirit of truth to help us understand what is real and true. 

Jesus promised not to leave His disciples as orphans. He kept His promise. Jesus came back to them just as He comes to every believer—through His indwelling Holy Spirit. If you are a believer, how often do you stop to think about how truly amazing this is? The Holy Spirit’s unlimited power resides within every single child of God. He works within each of us to remove our stony hearts and give us hearts of flesh that love God more than our sinful selves.4 God’s children learn to expect His internal guidance and welcome His trustworthy conviction of specific sin. God’s children are never alone! In a world of confusion and conflict, God’s children have peace with God through Christ’s sacrifice. They also experience the peace of God as the Holy Spirit brings God’s presence into daily life—no matter what life brings.

1. Indwelling Holy Spirit: Romans 8:9; 1 Corinthians 6:19; 12:13
2. The Holy Spirit reveals Christ: John 15:26; 16:7-15
3. Desiring and doing God’s will: 1 Corinthians 12:4-6; 2 Corinthians 3:5; Philippians 2:13; Hebrews 13:20-21
4. Stony hearts: Ezekiel 36:26-27

Resource: Bible Study Fellowship, People of Promise: Kingdom Divided, Lesson 21, The Gospel of John

Tuesday, 6 February 2024

Jesus’ Second Coming

The Doctrine of the Second Coming of Christ

Christ’s second coming emerges as one of the most important New Testament themes. In fact, many verses in the New Testament relate to Jesus’s second coming. Jesus Christ will return to earth physically, visibly, and suddenly, in the same way He left at His ascension.Scripture gives no time or date for Jesus’s return. Only God the Father knows the exact timing for this long-anticipated event.2

As the time of His crucifixion drew near, Jesus spoke often of His return to earth.3 Jesus’ return includes the bodily resurrection of the dead and the judgment of sinners.4 He will also bring salvation to those who are waiting for Him.5 Jesus will vindicate His people and bring justice to the seeming victories of evil in a sin-filled world.6 The certain return of Christ offers hope to believers.

John presents a stark divide between belief and unbelief throughout his Gospel. This chasm remains equally great today. Most people fail to consider the seriousness and certainty of Jesus’s return. Life goes on with little thought of accountability to God. Jesus came to earth so that all who would believe would have eternal life. Those who live life without recognizing their need for God and redemption will face Jesus as righteous Judge when He returns.7 Jesus’s urgent commission “to go and make disciples of all nations” rises from this sobering certainty.8 Who do you know who needs to hear the truth about Jesus? How might you speak to that person in love about the love of Jesus?

Jesus will bring salvation to all who await His return. All who trust Christ are prepared for Jesus’s return because they rest confidently in His sacrifice for sin. The Father laid our sins upon Jesus, the spotless lamb of God, when Jesus went to the cross on our behalf. Believers cling to the cross and God’s promise that there is no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus.9 Jesus is our steadfast hope and sure reward. How will you thank and worship Jesus as you long for His return? Believers find deep comfort in the certainty that Jesus will come and take them to their heavenly home!

1. Ascension and return: Acts 1:11
2. Unknown time for Jesus’s return: Matthew 24:36-42; Luke 12:40
3. Jesus spoke of His return: Matthew 24–25; Mark 13; Luke 19:11-27; 21:6-36
4. Judgment: Acts 17:31; Romans 2:16; Revelation 22:12
5. Bring salvation: Hebrews 9:28
6. Vindication: Romans 12:19-21; Revelation 19:1-2; 20:12; 21:3-4
7. Christ's return to judge: John 5:24-30; 2 Corinthians 5:10; 1 Peter 4:5; Revelation 20:11-15
8. Great Commission: Matthew 28:18-20
9. No condemnation: Romans 8:1

Resource: Bible Study Fellowship, People of Promise: Kingdom Divided, Lesson 18, The Gospel of John

The Hebrew Roots Movement

(It is difficult to document the movement’s history because of its lack of organizational structure, but the modern HRM has been influenced ...