Tuesday, 10 October 2023

From the Darkness of Death to the Light of Life

The Doctrine of Salvation

Nicodemus did not realize he was a man in need of Jesus’s salvation. Nicodemus and all people enter the world as sinners deserving death. Jesus, our only hope, died in our place. As we are born again through faith in Jesus Christ, we receive God’s gift of salvation. The sins for which Jesus died will never rise to accuse or haunt believers again.Salvation in Christ brings freedom from sin’s penalty, power, and presence. Sin results in death:2 physical death and spiritual death—eternal condemnation by God and separation from Him. Through His death on the cross, Jesus bore sin’s death penalty for all who place their faith in Him. 

Salvation from sin’s power describes the present dimension of salvation. The Holy Spirit works within a believer to recognize and overcome sin in daily life.3 This gradual victory over sin’s power will not be complete until we are glorified. Although we still struggle on earth with sin’s pull and power, all Christians anticipate a future day when Jesus ushers in a new creation and they are forever delivered from sin’s presence.4

To ignore or reject Jesus’s gift of salvation means you must bear sin’s penalty and live under its present bondage without hope of eternal deliverance. If Jesus does not pay the price for your sin, you must bear that burden yourself. Purpose in life and assurance regarding eternity rest on Jesus Christ and His gift of love. Without faith in Jesus’s atoning sacrifice and resurrection life, the grave beckons without hope.

God did not ignore our perilous state as sinners but sent His own Son to die a death He did not deserve to give us life we could not earn. Because of Jesus, believers face the challenges of life and the certainty of physical death with unquenchable hope. Sin’s cost is paid. Sin’s tyranny is broken. Sin’s stranglehold will end. The glory of Christ and the wonder of His love bring a heart of humility and gratitude for such an indescribable gift. Jesus came to earth so we could walk in the light with Him. What a wonderful Savior!

1. Sin forgiven: Psalm 103:11-12; Isaiah 38:17; Jeremiah 31:34
2. Sin’s wages: Romans 6:23
3. Overcoming sin’s power: Romans 6; 8:1-17; Philippians 2:13; Colossians 1:13-14.
4. Sin’s presence removed: Revelation 21:1-8

Resource: Bible Study Fellowship, People of Promise: Kingdom Divided, Lesson 4, The Gospel of John

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