Wednesday 13 December 2023

Jesus Christ Gives Sight to the Blind

The Doctrine of God the Son 

At his first encounter with Jesus, the newly healed, formerly blind man did not realize who Jesus was. Newfound sight, pressing opposition, and growing understanding led this man to recognize the truth. He soon bowed before Jesus in belief and worship. The Lord Jesus Christ is none other than God’s own Son who came to seek and save the lost.1 Equal to and co-existent with God from eternity past, Jesus came into the world to live, die, and rise again.2 Only Jesus can rescue sinners and give eternal life to all who put their faith in Him.3 

Your response to Jesus determines whether you are spiritually blind or sighted. Like the man born without sight, we are all spiritually blind from birth. Only God can open blind eyes. The eternal destiny of every human rests on their response to God’s Son. One day, Jesus will return to earth and every knee will bow before Him.4 God has exalted His Son and given Him the right to judge sin and grant eternal life.5 To refuse Jesus is to choose spiritual blindness, which tragically results in an eternity separated from God. 

No one remains neutral about Jesus. Throughout history, the name of Jesus has divided humanity.6 The Pharisees denied evidence of Jesus’s divine authority as well as His healing power. Today, people continue to resist Jesus while ignoring the truth about Him. Spiritual blindness remains in those who fail to recognize who Jesus is and the saving work He accomplished on behalf of sinful humanity. To refuse Jesus is to turn away from the only true hope that exists. 

Believing in Jesus means seeing what matters most. When the Lord opens our eyes to behold Jesus, we see glimpses of His glory that will be magnified and celebrated throughout eternity. 2 Corinthians 3:18 speaks of the powerful transformation God sets at work in the lives of those who believe in Jesus: “And we all, who with unveiled faces contemplate the Lord’s glory, are being transformed into his image with ever-increasing glory, which comes from the Lord, who is the Spirit.” What do you now “see” because Jesus has opened your spiritual eyes? How does gazing at Jesus give you a refreshed perspective on your life and the world around you? Seeing Jesus leads us to worship Him. The Son of God, exalted by the Father, will reign for eternity without rival. 

1. Seek and save: Luke 19:10 
2. Equal to God: Philippians 2:5-11 
3. Only Jesus saves: Acts 4:12 
4. Jesus’s return: Matthew 24:30; Acts 1:10-11; 1 Thessalonians 4:13–5:11 
5. The Son’s judgment: Matthew 16:27; 26:64 
6. Outcomes of belief and unbelief: John 3:36

Resource: Bible Study Fellowship, People of Promise: Kingdom Divided, Lesson 13, The Gospel of John

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