Friday 3 April 2009


One thing I learned about change in our Christian walk is that people should be able to see it. Do people noticed that you are different? Do people notice that you've changed since you've become a follower of Christ? Is there a change in your life? Have you turned away from temptation or sin and towards the Cross?

If you've truly repented, people should see it. Ask your siblings, parents, friends, co-workers, if they've noticed a change in you. Especially ask your friends if they think if you're growing in holiness. Are you giving a good witness to your friends? Do people love having you around? Can they say, "Now that's a Christian!"? Have you really changed?

Society can learn something from you too. The more people see the change in you, the more witness you bring to the world of what a perfect .

And so, dear brothers and sisters, I plead with you to give your bodies to God because of all he has done for you. Let them be a living and holy sacrifice—the kind he will find acceptable. This is truly the way to worship him.
Romans 12:1

Remember what Jesus said about not producing fruit? Are you producing fruit? If not, break off those branches that aren't and cast them away, they will only spread like a cancer and cost you your life!

Remain in me, and I will remain in you. For a branch cannot produce fruit if it is severed from the vine, and you cannot be fruitful unless you remain in me.
John 15:4

Communicating Through Our Life

InTouch Magazine, April 2009 Issue, Page 43
Read | John 13:34-35

Did you realize that everyone's life makes a statement? Perhaps you've never looked at your routine as anything more than merely travelling back and forth to work and accomplishing daily tasks. If so, you might wonder what message this could possibly broadcast to the people around you.
The truth is that every one of us communicates to others through our character, actions, and words. The believer's life should be an expression of glory to God while conveying to onlookers the vital importance of divine truth. Wherever we are, Jesus' light should shine brightly through us that He is evident in a dark world. And remember, the strength of our life message is directly related to the depth of our relationship with God.
Of course, this does not mean that our lives responses should demonstrate that our heavenly Father is dependable, faithful, forgiving, and present. We are His ambassadors, representing the Saviour to the people we encounter each day. Our lives are opportunities for those around us to see the Lord in action as we serve others—or as we reveal peacefulness and trust, even during difficult times.

Early Light: Coworkers, family, neighbours, and friends are all witnesses to our daily conduct and conversation. Every encounter we have is an opportunity to reflect Jesus into somebody's life. Ask the Lord to strengthen your faith and your walk so that those observing you can't help but be drawn towards His light.

A City on a Hill
InTouch Magazine, April 2009 Issue, Page 43
Read | Matthew 15:13-16

Reality television has become popular in recent years. On this type of show, the world is invited to watch as people go about their daily lives while participating in staged situations. While we may not run into as much drama or glamour, our lives are similar, in that people are observing what we do.
Jesus likened believers' lives to a city on a hill, which cannot be hidden (Matt. 5:14). When others watch us, they ought to see reflections of Christ—which means we must let the Holy Spirit express His life through us.
First, we need to realize that God's goal is for us to become more like Him. Second, we are to read the scripture daily, because we get to know the Father better through His Word, and then our lives will more clearly reflect Him to others. Third, we should review how the Lord has worked in the past. Noting His faithfulness increases our trust and enables us to help others in similar situations.
The fourth step may seem unsettling, but it is wise advice: Be prepared and willing to suffer. God uses difficult times to draw His children close to Himself. So if you are facing painful circumstances, know that He has allowed them for your growth, His glory, and encouragement to others. Recognizing this will help you surrender your will and desires to His plan. As you do, He will build a beautiful message into your life.

Early Light: Think about both your public life and your private life. Are both glorifying to the Lord? Allow God's light to penetrate any "darkness" in your thoughts, words, or deeds. Then others may be drawn to the Father by what they notice in you (v.16).

1 comment:

  1. Its improtant for us to growing in holiness n produce fruits, action is the best witness to our non-believer frinds n family.
    But somtimes our sin blocked us to communicate with God,n having difficuly to understand his words again. I think if we ever feeling can't close to God again, we prolly needs to repent our sins to him first before we start to praying. Its happen to me somtimes.


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